Haleyville City Council Meeting
The Haleyville City Council met Tuesday evening with all members present. The council approved the minutes from the last council meeting on January 4 and the December general operation bills in the amount of $475,774.35.
The council voted to approve a change in the alcoholic beverage ordinance changing the amount of the license fee to $2,500 from the original $5,000.
An application was approved for a $150,000 grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund for the new Haleyville Sports Complex.
The council also voted to advertise for a full-time fireman to replace Tommy Lewis who will be retiring in April.
A group of 20 individuals were at the council meeting to express their concurs on the use of the land next to the Knight Subdivision. A request was on the agenda for the last city council meeting to bring it into the city limits, but was tabled without further action. Members of the group stated they did not want any low income, or multi-family housing built on the property. So far, there has been no public proposal to develop the property in that manner.
The next meeting of the Haleyville City Council will be Monday, February 1, 5:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Facilities Building.