Haleyville City Council Meeting

February 7, 2022, the Haleyville City Council met and approved the “Heart of Haleyville” Change Order 1 (RES 22-05), and Advertising for an Accounts Payable Clerk.  Also, bids were approved, and the sale of surplus property was awarded as per ORDINANCE #2022-02 .

Councilman George “Blue” Russell attended by phone, and Drew Thrasher was absent.

Mayor Ken Sunseri presents a Proclamation to Kimberly Boshell, Jessica Riddle, and Dr. Holly Sutherland

Brought to the attention of Dr. Sutherland by Kimberly Boshell, and coordinated by Jessica Riddle, the Haleyville City Schools participated in “The Great Kindness Challenge“, and were recognized tonight as being Kindness Certified Schools, and proclaiming February to be “Kindness Month”.