Dec 16 2021 Haleyville Rotary Toys for Kids
Thursday, December 16th, 2021, the Haleyville Rotary Club distributed over 500 toys to 108 families for their Annual Toys for Kids Program. Toys were specifically purchased with each child’s request thoughtfully kept in mind. To be able to fill the holiday toy wishes of these children is a blessing, and the heartfelt time and energy invested by those involved is deeply appreciated.
It is always wonderful to see a Community come together to help during the Holiday Season. Humanity and Compassion still abound, and is shown through the selfless acts of those who organize, donate, and volunteer for these types of programs. These beautiful souls come together to bring a little Light and Love, and the Haleyville Rotary Club would like to express its Gratitude to all who assisted in making the Toys for Kids Program a wonderful success this year.