Haleyville City Council
The Haleyville City Council held the first Council meeting of the month Tuesday, September 3, with Blue Russell absent. The Council first heard the financial audit report from the Sparks CPA firm for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.
The highlights of the report stated the City’s total net position exceeded its liabilities by $11,909,449. At the government-wide level, total assets and deferred outflows of resources decreased by $70,706 and total liabilities and deferred inflows of resources decreased by $1,067,302 for the prior year. The City’s governmental funds reported a combined ending fund balance of $3,868,464, an increase of $850,473 from the prior year. The portion of the total ending fund balance that can be spent at the City’s discretion is $2,813,517 and is presented as an unassigned fund balance in the governmental fund’s balance sheet.
Total revenues for the City’s governmental activities increased by $3054239, or 4% from the prior year. Sales and property taxes increased by $820,719, or 19% from the prior year. Fees, fines, and charges for services increased by $56,693, or 5.9%. Operating grants and contributions decreased $33,936, or 7.2% from the prior year. Capital grants and contributions decreased by $706,455 or 76.7% due to decreased federal funding. Miscellaneous revenues increased by $31,853 or 23.3%. Insurance proceeds increased $120,919, or 868.9%, from the prior year due to a roof replacement. Interest income increase $12,649, or 35.5%, from the prior year due to increased earnings.
Total expenditures for the City’s governmental activities increased by $483,100 or 7.7% from the previous year, The majority of this increase is due to expenditures related to the Health Care Authority of Haleyville and Winston County. The City provides funding to the Health Care Authority out of proceeds of its new one-cent sales tax. This increase was also offset by a decrease in public safety expenditures primarily due to a reduction in personnel costs.
In other business, the Council approved a bid from Fence Mart of hamilton in the amount of $2,585.00 for miscellaneous fencing repairs for the Dixie Youth Ball Field, the Sports Complex, and at the airport.
The next scheduled Haleyville City Council meeting will be on Monday, September 16, 5:30 p.m. at the Haleyville City Hall.