• Snoddy Wins Republican Primary

    Caleb Snoddy with a total of 3012 votes was a clear winner of the Winston County Sheriff’s race in the Republican Primary Tuesday, May 24.  With 52.2% of the total votes cast, he won with no run off. Bryan Kirkpatrick had 2051 votes or 35.5%, Michael Clark had 443 votes for k7.7% and Jame hicks, 262 votes or 4%.

    For Winston County Commission District 1, Rutger Hyche the winner with 1875 votes for a 53.3% of the total.

    For the record, Kay Ivey had the majority 2866 votes giving her a 49.6% win at least in Winston County.

    The results of other races which are affected by votes outside Winston County can be found on the Secretary of State web site: Click Here