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Bear Creek Church Gives Thanks By Sam Poe Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | 6:01 PM


The Bear Creek Number One Baptist Church recently experienced significant loss at a crucial time. The week of Thanksgiving, the Fellowship Hall of the church caught fire, damaging a large portion of the building. Rather than seeing it as a time of loss and tragedy, the congregation has chosen to view this event as a minor setback, and they will use it as a stepping stone for getting to the next stage of God's plan for them. Although it put a damper on their Thanksgiving plans, the church stuck together and carried on. They have released this statement regarding the event. 


"In this difficult time, we have so much to be thankful for, but we are most thankful for the first responders who answered the call that day. From the bottoms of our hearts, we thank each fire department, police department, and all other responding agencies that were represented that day. Without you, the building that contains our church could have been damaged so much worse, but you prevented that from happening. 


In total, there were representatives from eleven fire departments on the scene who worked tirelessly to contain the damage. We are thankful for the men and women in our community who are willing to run when the alarm sounds to stand beside their neighbors and friends in some of the most trying times. Without each of you, our community would not be the same. The Bear Creek Number One Baptist Church considers each of you a member of our church family and will never be able to thank you enough for the services you provide every day, but especially for those you provided on a cold November morning in 2013. We wish each of you a very happy and safe new year."


Bear Creek Number One Baptist Church is located about one mile north of Phillips High School on State Highway 13 North in Bear Creek. To view the original story, [CLICK HERE].



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