By Glenn Collins
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 7:11 PM
Sonya Cockrell, 40, of Phill Campbell, and her daughter, Brittney Williams, 9, also of Phil Campbell, were injured early Tuesday evening in a one-vehicle accident on Dime Road, across from B&B Automotive north of Quarter Creek bridge. The mother was ejected almost 50 feet in the accident. The child was found near the car. Unclear is if the child released herself from the car after the accident or was also ejected. They were south-bound into Haleyville. Two air-evac choppers were used to airlift them to Birmingham. Dime Road was closed for almost two hours. Haleyville Fire, RPS, and Phil Campbell Rescue Squad responded, as well as AirEvac Life Team. Alabama State Troopers are investigating.
[Photo of helicopter landed on Dime Road]