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Two More Weeks Until Jail Can Be Used

By Harold Bearden
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 7:07 PM

Roger Hayes, Winston County Commission Chairman, stated to the Haleyville Rotary Club Thursday, July 14, the hold up to occupy the new Winston County jail has been increased specifications from the State Fire Marshall. Out of seven or eight instances, Hayes gave one example:  to install or make available a back up, or alternate source of fuel to the natural gas service, an added requirement since the facility has been built. 


This particular requirement has been added since April of this year, when much of the state suffered a total loss of services, including in some locations, natural gas, due to tornados. One option to satisfy this requirement is to bury a propane tank. This additional requirements by the Fire Marshall's office is for the overall safety and welfare of the occupants, but results in an increased cost of the facility. 


As of last Thursday, the old jail presently houses sixty-six prisoners in quarters designed for 25. The new jail has a capacity of 115-120, or more if configured differently. Hayes said he had quit telling anyone when the jail would be utilized because of the added requirements causing delays. Two weeks, maybe.

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