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Haleyville Has 3G!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 | 11:06 AM

It appears AT&T has finally fulfilled it's promise of 3G for Haleyville. This event brings back memories of the first cell tower built in this area many years ago. That first tower located on County Road 32 (Pounders Sims) at first worked as advertised. However it has had a serious problem since last fall, ever since the copper grounding was stolen, replaced and a burglar alarm installed in short order. Since the time of the thief, that particular cell tower never appeared to work properly. With many calls to AT&T complaining about that specific tower, we were told 3G was coming each time very soon. Text and voice mail never came on time, usually a day or two later. Other problems included dropouts, or distorted calls, especially made to another cell phone operating on the same tower. The company has been good about reducing many monthly bills, in some cases, not charging anything at all. The addition of 3G is an improvement, however if the voice service is not improved, AT&t needs to know. The AT&T technical support should be contacted to express the problems with that particular tower on CR 32. The number is 866-700-2105. AT&T technical support is now convinced they had a problem with that specific tower and it was not the customer's phone. As it was explained, one could drive 10 miles in any direction and even an iPhone would do exactly what it was built to do, but not on the CR 32 cell tower in Haleyville. Two additional towers have been added in this area, one in Bear Creek and the most recent on Highway 13 south, both of which appear to work as advertised. Verizon now has service in the Haleyville area also, including 3G. Now that we have 3G, the question is: when will we have 4G? Posted in