By Glenn Collins
Monday, June 6, 2011 | 12:00 AM
Frank Tidwell, Shirley Sudduth, Tim W. Robertson, Jerrie Ann Mayhall, Brittney Fox, Kim Burleson, Bill Bishop, and Melinda Weaver at the Chamber of Commerce Friday in Haleyville. |
The 2011 Adult Leadership Class were presented plaques for completing the course at Friday's Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Galley Restaurant.
This year's "students" are Bill Bishop, Kim Burleson, Tim Caudill, Jerry Cummings, Brittney Fox, Jerrie Ann Mayhall, Chase Miller, Tim W. Robertson and Shirley Sudduth.
The Adult Leadership Class is an extension of the Alabama Communities of Excellence program. Haleyville received its ACE designation in 2005, the program's pilot year.
Alabama Power is an ACE Partner and Haleyville Business Office Manager Frank Tidwell was the "class facilitator."
At the presentation, Alabama Power's Melinda Weaver thanked all who helped with the program: