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Beware of Grinches By HBTV Thursday, December 23, 2010 | 12:00 AM

As the final shopping rush before Christmas arrives, followed by the after-Christmas sales and return storm, grinches, a/k/a criminals, see opportunity.

Authorities in neighboring areas have reported “The Distract and Dash” incident. A seemingly innocent distraction, such as a fall by one person, results in someone being distracted long enough for a second person to grab a purse or reach into a cash register. Authorities advise people to keep their belongings secured at all times.

The National Crime Prevention Council has the following recommendations for shoppers:

  • Keep careful track of your bags and other packages. If you leave something behind, it could get stolen or discarded.

  • Tell a security guard or store employee if you see an unattended bag or package.

  • Be sure not to buy more than you can carry. If your packages are making it hard for you to walk upright or see, ask a store employee to help you carry them to your car.

  • Check receipts to see whether your full credit card number appears. If a receipt has your full number on it, take a pen and thoroughly scratch it out.

  • Double check that you have your credit cards and check book after you pay for your items.

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