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Career Center Assists Employers By Glenn Collins Tuesday, December 7, 2010 | 5:12 PM

The Alabama Career Center System is not just for people looking for a job. The Center serves as a valuable resource for employers as well.

According to Hamilton Career Center Manager Sharyn Blanton, the Center "strives to serve as the primary connection between employers and qualified workers."

The Center currently administers grant money to assist employers, including Workforce Opportunity Tax Credits and funds for training incumbent or dislocated workers. The Center also conducts workshops for employers.

The Haleyville Satellite Office is located downtown next to Thrasher Insurance. Its phone number is 486-4154. Employers and job seekers can visit the office on the first and third Monday of the month. The main center in Hamilton, can be reached at (205) 921-5672. More information is available at Joblink.Alabama.gov

Posted in Business