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Senior Play: Krazy Kamp! By HBTV Thursday, November 18, 2010 | 12:00 AM

“Summer camp was never like this! On one side of beautiful Lake Lookeeloo is Camp Pocahantas, an exclusive resort for young ladies. On the other side is Camp John Smith, inhabited by a wild bunch of unruly males. Camp John Smith has been declared 'unfit for habitation' and given only a few days to get itself in shape. The camp director pleads with the director of Pocahantas to allow the boys 'shelter' for a day or two (otherwise he'll have to return their tuition!). 

“What happens when peaceful Pocahantas shares space with the crazies from ramshackle John Smith?  Naturally, no one is to know the boys are staying, including the camp's owner, Mrs. Thistlemist.  There's a parade of flaky intruders and wild characters: Elmer Crumb, from the carnival, with his associate, Cleopatra Nile, who never travels without her snakes; Clams Marinara, the infamous hood; the flashily-dressed Dixie, who carries a tiny pistol in a violin case; and a poison ivy victim who resembles a walking mummy ... that's just for starters!

“Complications pile on top of one another until once-lovely Camp Pocahontas learns the state inspector has declared IT unfit for habitation!  The surprise ending will have you cheering!”

All tickets for the HHS Senior Play will be General Admission for the public performance on Saturday, November 20, 2010. Performance is at 7 PM, doors open at 6 PM. See any Haleyville High School Senior to purchase a ticket, or call the office at 486-3122 for further information. Concessions will be served during intermission. 

Posted in Life & Times