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Thank You from Pinkard Funeral Home By Tim and Vanessa Pinkard
and the Staff of Pinkard Funeral Home
OP-ED Contributors
Saturday, October 9, 2010 | 10:01 AM

We at Pinkard Funeral Home do not know how to begin to express our deep-felt gratitude and heart-felt appreciation to all who helped, and all who offered to help, with Senior Airman Mark Forester’s funeral service.

We realize that this service was only held with the support of our city, our surrounding communities and all their citizens.

We are all very blessed to have had the support of Mayor Ken Sunseri; Police Chief Kyle Reogas and the entire Haleyville Police Department; the Haleyville Fire Department; the Haleyville Rescue Squad; our City Workers; Winston County Sheriff Ed Townsend and his entire department; Alabama Bureau of Investigation; Alabama State Troopers; Winfield Police Department; Superintendent Clint Baggett and the Haleyville School System; volunteer firefighters from Pebble, Delmar, Lynn and Bear Creek; Winston Memorial Cemetery; Haleyville Airport; the United States Air Force, the Alabama Air National Guard, the Patriot Guard; First Baptist Church for the use of their bus and driver; all other local churches for their offers of support and prayers; the numerous volunteers that drove buses, directed traffic, etc.; our local media for its timely and respectful dissemination of information; and, especially, the citizens of Haleyville and our surrounding communities. If we have omitted anyone, we apologize in advance.

We have received many compliments from the airmen, soldiers and dignitaries about how Haleyville and the surrounding communities pulled together to support the Forester family and to honor a true American Hero. We are truly blessed to live in such a loving community and are extremely grateful for your support.

Thank you ALL so very, very much.

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