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Fire Alert Statewide By HBTV Friday, September 24, 2010 | 10:09 PM

All 67 counties in the state of Alabama have been placed under a Fire Alert. The order was issued Thursday by State Forester Linda S. Casey. According to officials with the Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC), the Fire Alert was issued because of extremely dry weather conditions, the increased number of fires that have occurred recently, and reduced availability of suppression resources.

While under the Fire Alert, outdoor burning is restricted.

In the last 30 days, 459 wildfires have occurred in Alabama burning approximately 4,743 acres of land. In comparison, the AFC battled only six wildfires during the whole month of September 2009. 

“The lack of rain and unseasonably high temperatures have left much of the state extremely dry, creating high risk potential for devastating wildfire,” said Dan Jackson, AFC Protection Division Director. “With no significant rainfall in more than a month, many Alabama counties are experiencing an increase in wildfire occurrence. Although the official start of fall ‘fire season’ in Alabama is not until October under normal conditions, the extremely dry weather this year has brought it on much sooner. Conditions are such that any fire can quickly spread out of control, not only resulting in damage to our forests but also threatening and destroying homes.”

 The elevated number and size of wildfires is a major concern for the AFC which has recently faced cutbacks. Jackson stated, “Even though our staff and firefighting resources are reduced, the Alabama Forestry Commission is committed to protecting the state’s invaluable forest assets, as well as serving the citizens and landowners across the state. We need landowners to be aware of the wildfire risks, and we urge everyone to take all precautions to prevent the start of fires. The continued support of our volunteer fire departments is also crucial. This partnership is vitally important in helping us protect lives and property." 

This Fire Alert will remain in effect until rescinded by the State Forester, at which time conditions will have changed sufficiently to reduce the occurrence and frequency of wildfires. For more information on the current wildfire situation in the state, visit the AFC website at www.forestry.alabama.gov/fire_totals.aspx.

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