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Foster/Adoptive Parent Recruitment Month By HBTV Friday, February 12, 2010 | 9:06 AM The Alabama Department of Human Resources is looking for foster/adoptive parents. February is recruitment month and, according to Dale F. Hendrix, Jr., Winston County Director for DHR, "More foster families are needed."

2009 saw more adoptions through DHR than ever before; 676 waiting children in Alabama were adopted through the state's adoption system. While this is a tremendous milestone, Hendrix said, "Most of these adoptions were finalized by foster parents with whom the children were already living, leaving fewer homes available for foster care."

Nearly 7,000 children are in foster care in Alabama, 17 of whom are in Winston County. Hendrix said, "These children require safe, stable, and nurturing environments to live in until they can either safely re-unite with their parents or establish other lifelong family relationships."

At a recent event celebrating the number of adoptions in 2009, Governor Bob Riley said, "We’re also here to draw attention to other children who are still waiting."

Anyone interested in helping children in foster care, or even adopting, can call DHR at (205) 489-1500 to find out about the many different ways to get involved. Information is also available at the [DHR Website].



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