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Public Hearing Scheduled on Alcohol Ordinance By Glenn Collins Tuesday, August 3, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The City Council announced Tuesday that it will conduct a Public Hearing on the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance Monday, August 9, 5:30 PM, City Hall. The City released the final draft of the ordinance earlier today.

In its regular meeting, the Council approved obtaining a $100,000 loan for the new water slides; approved applying for an economic impact grant for a new police car; awarded to Densmore Excavating Inc., of Arley, a $191,950 contract for the removal of obstructions at the airport; and hired Denny Hall for Streets and Sanitation Department.

The next regular meeting is Monday, August 16, 7 PM, City Hall. Mayor Ken Sunseri said that, in all likelihood, the council would have the final alcohol ordinance ready for vote.

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