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Registration and Freshman Academy Open House By HBTV Tuesday, July 20, 2010 | 10:07 AM

New student registration for Haleyville High School will be Monday, July 26, 2010, 9 AM - 3 PM. New students will need to bring proof of residency, birth certificate, proof of immunization, social security card and grades from school last attended.

Cost of locker rental for 2010-2011 will be $10.00.  PE lockers may be rented the first week of school from the PE Instrutors. Cost of PE locker rental is $3.00.     

Locker rental schedule will be as follows:

10th-11th grade, Monday, July 26, 9 - 11 AM;
12th grade, Tuesday, July 27, 9 - 11 AM; and
9th grade, Thursday, July 29, 5:30 - 7 PM.

On Thursday, July 29, 5:30 PM, the Freshman Academy will have an open house to give 9th graders'  parents and students important information about the new freshman academy. There will be a  presentation on rules, schedules, activities and general knowledge needed for a successful school year. Parents will have the opportunity to meet their child’s teachers and get a firsthand look at the daily activities freshmen will participate in throughout the year. After a tour of the school, parents are  invited to eat bar-b-que with the faculty in the cafeteria. Please make every effort to attend. The facult and staff of the Freshman Academy look forward to meeting all the parents.

For more information, contact Haleyville High School at 205-486-3122.

Posted in Education