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Council Receives Census Update By Glenn Collins Monday, June 7, 2010 | 8:58 PM

The Haleyville City Council conducted its regular meeting Monday night. Carletta Singleton, of the U.S. Census Bureau, informed the Council that census workers are in the field going door-to-door. Haleyville had a return rate of 74% on census forms, 2 percentage points higher than the national average and 4 points higher than the state.

Census workers in the field all carry identification badges

Door-to-door census taking occurs through early July 2010. Local census takers will visit households that did not mail back a census form. All census takers carry an official badge and a shoulder bag — both with the Department of Commerce seal — and a binder. During a visit, census takers will show ID and hand respondents an information sheet explaining that their answers are confidential. The census taker will complete the questionnaire, which should take about 10 minutes. If no one is home, a "notice of visit" will be left at the door inviting the resident to call the census taker.

This is all part of the 2010 Census' "Open the Door" campaign. According to Singleton, "We still have work to do to make sure everyone is counted."

The Council approved the following: minutes from 17-May, advertising for a mechanic for the Streets Department, advertising for bids for water slides and splash pad and annexing David and Wanda Southern's property on Beach Grove Road.

The Council will have a Special Meeting Tuesday, June 8, 11:45 AM, in the Council Chamber, to canvas the Municipal Option Election held last Tuesday.

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