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City Council Meeting By HBTV Tuesday, May 4, 2010 | 9:05 AM

The City Council held its regular meeting Monday night and took the following action: awarded the steel-removal project at the jail to Robinson & Sons Construction Services Inc., hired three seasonal employees on an on-call basis for streets and sanitation and approved a one-time pay adjustment for city employees to be included in their December pay.

Resolution 2010-18, states "all full-time regular City employees shall receive a one-time salary supplement of $75.00 and ... any full-time regular employee that has been employed more than one year after December 1 shall receive $10.00 for each year of continued employment to be paid in the month of December 2010 as an incentive for faithful long-term employment and to show the City’s appreciation toward it’s employee’s." Part-time employees will receive a $50 supplement.

Mayor Ken Sunseri also read a proclamation regarding National Police Week. You can view the document: [Go Read].

The next regular meeting of the council will be Monday, May 17, 7 PM.

Posted in News | Government