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Wet/Dry Vote Called for June 1 By HBTV Tuesday, April 27, 2010 | 9:04 AM

Tuesday, the City Council approved calling a Wet/Dry Municipal Option Election on June 1. According to Alabama Law, the ballot must read "Do you favor the legal sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages within this municipality?"

The Council is obligated by Alabama Law to call the election because the city has received a petition with 680-plus verified signatures. The city is required to call a municipal option election “upon petition of 30 percent of the number of voters voting in the last preceding general election.” 370 signatures were required.


"Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, June 1, 2010, an election will be held for the purpose of determining the sentiment of the citizens of the City of Haleyville as to whether or not alcoholic beverages can be legally sold or distributed in Haleyville, Ala.

"All registered and qualified electors of the state who have resided within the corporate limits of Haleyville, Ala., for 30 days or more immediately preceding the date of such election, and who are qualified to vote in the county precinct which embraces and covers that part of the corporate limits of Haleyville, Alabama, in which the elector resides will be authorized to participate in said Election: Beat 2, Box 1A, 1B (Scout Hut), 2A, B, 2C (City Hall), 3A, 3B, 3C (Neighborhood Facility Building), 4A, 4B (Armory Housing Authority), 6A, 6B and 6C (Old ARC Building).

"The polls will be opened at 7:00 AM, and will close at 7:00 PM at the following polling places: South Haleyville Scout Hut, City Hall, Neighborhood Facility Building, Haleyville Housing Authority near National Guard Armory and the ARC Building."

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