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FLASH FLOODS - Winston County Roads Impassable By HBTV Friday, December 25, 2015 | 9:12 PM

On Friday, Christmas day, no snow, but extremely intense rain. Well over 6 inches in a short period caused creeks and streams to overflow, in many cases, over the roadway. Highway 13 north, where the construction on the new culvert is not yet finished at 8th Avenue, the infamous "Hardee's" Lake was filled to capacity. Worse yet, all Winston  Country Roads in Winston County have been deemed impassable. 

The Winston County Road crews, along with County Commissioner David Cummings, have been checking and discovered every county road to be impassable. Some roads have been completely washed out. Some, dirt has washed from underneath the pavement. While the road may look passable, it may not be.  

You are asked not to drive on any of the county roads until they can be repairs and made passable.  

Most of NW Alabama remains under a FLASH FLOOD WARNING until 3:45 a.m. Saturday morning.    

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