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City Council Meeting By HBTV Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | 6:12 AM

A public hearing was held Monday at the request of Steve Wilson to rezone property located on 8th Avenue off 19th Street from R-3 (residential) to B-2 (highway commercial). Following the public hearing, the Haleyville City Council met with Bud Wilson absent and voted to rezone the 8th Avenue property. (Ordinance 2-15-03) 

The Council voted to implement a change order for the new city hall adding an intercom and door release for the police department entrance. (Resolution 2015-44)

A request for quotes for 3,000 tons of crushed stone for the south parking lot at the sports complex was approved by the council. 

An approval was made to advertise for bids for heating and air condition unit for the pool side of the Neighborhood Facilities Building. 

The council also approved advertising for bids for a phone system at the new city hall. 

The next scheduled regular council meeting will be Monday, December 21, 5:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Facilities Building.



ORDINANCE #2015-03


Petition to consider re-zoning the following described property within the City Limits of Haleyville, AL belonging to Steve Wilson located on 8th Avenue off of 19th Street from R-3 (Multi-Family Residential) to B-2(Business Highway Commercial District):

Property is as described below:

Lots 5 & 6, and 50 feet of Lot #7 on the north side, Block 6, Curtis Addition to the town of Haleyville, Alabama. Less and except N 42 feet of Lot #5 of Block 6. As amended by Decree of Court.


A parcel of land in the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of  Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 10 West and being more particularly described as  follows:

 Beginning at a nail and cap situated at the NE  corner where 17th  Street in Haleyville, Alabama  intersects Alabama Avenue; thence North 26 degrees, 51 minutes East a distance of 175.87 feet; thence continue North 30 degrees, 47 minutes East a distance of 194.34 feet; thence South 83 degrees, 00 minutes West a distance of 161.2 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described property; thence continue thence South 83 degrees,00 minutes West a distance of 59.96 thence North 01 degrees,26 minutes West a distance of 86.78 feet; thence North 89 degrees, 29 minutes West a distance of 114.5  feet; thence easterly along the boundary line with Jimmy Johnson to the point where the NE corner of the herein described property corners along the property line with  Jimmy Johnson; thence South 257 feet more or less to the point where the herein described property corners with George  Stephen Wilson; thence West a distance of 265 feet more or less; thence Northeast a distance of 60 feet, more or less; thence north to the point of beginning.

SECTION 1. The zoning of the above district changes are hereby established as shown on the “Zoning Map of Haleyville” dated July 12, 1960, and as amended from time to time, and as further amended by this Ordinance, which map is filed in the office of the City Clerk, and all explanatory matter thereon is adopted and made a part of this ordinance. 

SECTION 2. This ordinance will become effective immediately upon its adoption and publication. 

Adopted and approved this 7th day of December 2015


Resolution #2015-44

WHEREAS, the City of Haleyville is currently under contract with K & A Builders, Inc. of Tuscaloosa, Alabama to construction the Relocation of a New City Hall, and

WHEREAS, the City has decided to add an intercom and door release for the offices connecting into the lobby of the New City Hall, and 

WHEREAS, K & A Builders, Inc. has requested Change Order No. 11 in the amount of $6,015.39 to cover the cost of labor, materials, and equipment to add an intercom and door releases.

WHEREAS, the Project Architect, Marcum Architects, LLC, has reviewed Change Order No. 11 and recommends the City of Haleyville accept and approve this Change Order No. 11.

NOW THEREFORE BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Haleyville, that the Council approves this Change Order and authorizes Mayor Ken Sunseri to execute the same, attached here to and made a part of this Resolution, approving the Change Order in the amount of $6,015.39 for the Relocation of the New City Hall project.

Adopted and approved this the 7th day of December 2015.

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