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Second Amendment Forum By Trent Randoph Tuesday, November 3, 2015 | 6:11 AM

The Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC) Alpha Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa will host an Honors Forum: The Second Amendment: Do You Know Your Rights? The public forum and debate will be held Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 10 a.m. in the Student Center (Building 305) on the Phil Campbell campus.

Each year Phi Theta Kappa focuses on a central topic. The 2015 topic will explore the American people’s right to bear arms and the current laws which protect or limit those rights. The panelists are Gary Blackburn of BamaCarry, Inc., gun-rights advocacy group; Shannon Oliver, Franklin County Sherriff; Kenneth Brackins, Psychology Instructor at NW-SCC; and Ron Alexander of BamaCarry, Inc.

Pam Peters, advisor for the Alpha Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, said, “We are very excited about this forum, our officers chose the topic and we hope that it will have a positive impact on our community.” The forum will explore U.S. citizens’ second amendment rights on many different levels.

There is no charge for admission and the public is invited to attend.

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