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Haleyville City Council Meeting By Harold Bearden Tuesday, October 20, 2015 | 8:10 AM

The Halevyille City Council met for a short meeting Monday, with Bud Wilson absent. The Council approved the minutes from the 5 October regular meeting and the general operation bills and purchase orders, totaling $457,783.94. The purchase of a deck for a tractor for the Park and Recreation Department was tabled as well as the purchasing of a pickup truck for the police investigator. 

Jeff Hopper, of the 2nd Amendment Group from the Shoals, thanked the mayor and council for bringing Haleyville into line with state and federal law by removing signage prohibiting guns in certain public areas in Haleyville. 

Mayor Sunseri announced Governor Bentley will be in Haleyville on  2 November  for a development grant announcement. He also stated the city of Haleyville will obtain it's own web site, instead of being on the Halevyille Chamber site.

Mayor Sunseri stated, while the city has been successful in obtaining grants, some over $500,000, a letter from the Department of Justice requested an additional layer of security in making grant applications. This will require a separate CPA do the financial statements and then have an auditor review it all. A quote from CRI estimated the cost would be $30-40 thousand. A letter is being sent to the DOJ stating the city has met their requirements.

A letter from Judicial Collection Services, Inc. (JCS) stated the company was terminating their contract with the city as of 14 November. The company is apparently going out of business, which means the city will once again be collecting it's own fines. 

The next regular scheduled council meeting will be Monday, November 2, 5:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Facilities Building.

  Jeff Hopper
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