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Marijuana Bust on 9th Avenue By Harold Bearden Friday, October 16, 2015 | 1:10 PM

William Clayton Carroll Anthony Darrel Windom Roy Levan Davis, Jr. Jennifer Dianne Warren

Officers from the Haleyville Police Department went to 2226 9th Avenue on October 10 to serve a warrant on Anthony Darrell Windom. Upon arrival at the residence, Windom came out of the residence and met officers on the steps. Officers advised him why they were there. Windom asked if his girlfriend could come out and get his personal belongings. Jennifer Warren came out of the residence to retrieve the items. While she was standing there, officers noticed a glass pipe on the on the bricks next to the steps which had what was believed to be marijuana in it. When officers inquired about the pipe, both parties advised it was not theirs. 

Officers asked if there was anyone else in the residence to which Warren replied no. Officers asked Warren to secure the two dogs inside the residence. Warren then went through the front door and as Officer Collins started to the door, she slammed the door and locked the dead bolt. Officer Collins knocked on the door several times and asked her to open the door.  Due to the exigent circumstance and the possibility there were other parties inside, officers gained entry into the residence. 

Officers found Warren, Roy Davis, Jr., and William Clayton Carroll inside. As officers cleared the residence, the officers discovered a dresser blocking a bedroom door. Officers moved the dresser and inside were several plants believed to be marijuana plants. They were under "grow lights" as well as several in the closets.

All parties at the residence, with the exception of Mrs. Windom, were arrested and taken to the Haleyville Police Department where they were booked for possession of marijuana, 1st degree, and possession of paraphernalia on each person. They were transported to the Winston County jail. 

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