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Haleyville City Council Meeting By Harold Bearden Tuesday, September 22, 2015 | 7:09 AM
Aerial view of work on new Haleyville Sports Complex - Thanks to Dan Lakeman and his Super Cub

The Haleyville City Council met Monday afternoon with Jonathan Bennet and Drew Thrasher absent. the Council approved the minutes of the last council meeting on 8 September and the general operation bills for August for $406,093.00.  Dymac Contracting was awarded a contract for building the concession building at the new sports complex for their base bid of $333,600.00. 

A street light was approved for 26th Street.

Solid Waste Disposal Authority, (SWDA) member Jesse Miller will be resigning as he is moving to Florence in the near future. SDWA Chairman AJimmy Elliott recommended appointing Mayor Ken Sunseri to finish Miller's term which expires in March 2019. The council followed Elliott's suggestion. 

Mayor Sunseri hired part-time Park and Recreation Activities Assistant Megan Caldwell at $8/hour pending a favorable physical.

Fire Chief Phillip Weaver recommended Wesley Barton and Todd Hood to be added as volunteer firemen for Haleyville Fire and Rescue.

It was announced Christy Harbin and Starla Watts recently completed the required educational courses and will serve as Magistrates for the city. 

Jeff Hopper, representing the Shoals 2nd Amendment Group addressed the council about what he alleged, "illegal signage" at the city library, senior citizens center and the gym prohibiting firearms on the premisses. Mayor Sunseri explained the law had recently changed and the city attorney would look into the matter and the city would make any changes to comply with the current law. 

The next scheduled council meeting will be Monday, October 5, 5:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Facilities Building. 

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