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Haleyville City Council By Harold Bearden Tuesday, August 4, 2015 | 6:08 AM

The Haleyville city council met Monday with all members present. A short agenda consisted of approving a change order for the construction of the new city hall. The order for $13,834.70 will cover the cost of labor, materials, and equipment to provide electrical circuit and cabinetry modifications and electronic door access controls for a door security system. This will bring the project cost to $1,727,536.78.

An approval was made for a deduction in the cost of the sports complex electrical contract in the amount of $6,000. According to project engineer, Calvin Cassady, the deduction was made after negotiating with Littleton Electric and work being done by Alabama Power. The new total cost will be $376,805.00.

Mayor Sunseri announced there were two positions open on the Winston County Board of Equalization. The job only pays travel expenses. For more information, contact city hall.

The council approved changing the September meeting date from September 7 to September 8 because of Labor Day.

The next regular Haleyville City Council meeting will be August 17. 

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