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Fastened Seat Belts Save the Day By HBTV Thursday, July 16, 2015 | 4:07 PM


A 9-1-1 caller reported a vehicle had left the higway and two people were inside. Pebble Fire was called, as well as Haleyville, but before units could arrive, word came the occupants had exited, and there were no injuries. Jo Wright and her 7 year old grandson, Ty Woodard, were on their way to Curry from Haleyville when the right wheels left the road just after a sharp turn on Highway 195 near Highway 243. Unable to get it back on the road, the Ford F-150 pickup spun around, remained upright, and came to rest in a ditch facing the opposiste direction of travel. Neither of the occupants were injured, because of the use of seat belts. 

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