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Heat Index Over 105 By HBTV Sunday, July 12, 2015 | 6:07 AM
As the temperature continues in the mid 90's for this coming week, the heat index will be well over 100. Maker sure your children have plenty of water to drink, not sodas, or sugar drinks, but water. It's what the body needs. Also maker sure your outdoor pets have a shade, or if possible, bring them inside and more importantly, water to drink. The same rule applies to bot a small child or a pet, do not leave either in your vehicle, even for a moment. In a matter of minutes, on these hot july days, the temeperture in a closed vehicle can quickly rise to over 170, hot enough to cause death. Hot July days can literally be a killer. Stay cool, drink lots of water and remember the Haleyville swimming pool is open daily.
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