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City Council Meeting By Harold Bearden Monday, March 2, 2015 | 7:03 PM

The Haleyville City Council met Tuesday, March 2, for their regular bi-monthly meeting at the Neighborhood Facilities Building. With Jonathan Bennet and Bud Wilson absent, the council approved a change order to the new city hall construction.  The change order was for excavating and replacing the soil for the foundation. No soil tests were originally done, and it was found the soil would not compact enough for the concrete pour. 

The Council approved the purchase of a portable lift and stairs for the city pool as well as purchasing two new doors for the 21st Street Gym.

Calvin Cassady, engineer for the city, presented a revised cost estimate on the construction of the new fire station on Highway 13 north. By changing some of the specifications, such as installing sheetrock walls instead of block in one area and eliminating some other items, the overall cost was reduced by approximately $37,000. After some discussion, the final price of $200,002.00 was bumped back up to $210,000 by adding some of the items back into the plans. 

Mayor Ken Sunseri stated a meeting was held Monday afternoon with the department heads and school officials to plan for the adverse weather forecast for Wednesday night and Thursday morning. With possible icy conditions on Thursday morning, the best advice the mayor had was to stay off the highways to allow emergency vehicles to travel safely. He said they had planned for the worse, and hope for the best. 

The next regular council meeting will be Monday, March 16 at the NFB.   

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