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FRIDAY CLOSINGS-DELAYS By HBTV Thursday, February 26, 2015 | 1:02 PM

No official measurement, but we are calling it 12 inches of snow in less than 24 hours, at least in some areas of Haleyville. The February 25 snow has to be the second deepist overnight snowfall recorded since February 14, 1958. Unlike the snow of 58, this year's snow did not have devastating ice to take down power and communication lines. The sun came out Thursday morning and melted away a great deal of the snow. Many roads became passable. However, with the overnight temperature going below freezing tonight, 19, there is a ood chance of ice foming from the melting snow. Some roads will become impassable overnight and tomorrow morning from ice. Use extreme caustion for ice on the highways, and even your drive and sidewalks. In light of the forecast icy conditions:

All Marion and Winston County and Haleyville City Schools - Closed

Leo's Loveliest Junior Division postponed till Sunday night. Leo's Senior division Saturday night.

Masonite Haleyville plant resumes normal operations 5 a.m.  If employees are unable to get in at 5 a.m. because of road conditions at their homes they need to report in as soon as the roads are passable. The company will be flexible and get in a full day's production and work both shifts on Saturday to make up for lost production this week.

Kith Kitchens and Kith furniture will operate at regular time.

Simply Bunk Beds - 7 a.m.

Stone Canyon Cabins - 7 a.m.

Jimson Manufacturing - 7 a.m.

Small Miracles Day Care - 9 a.m.

Exxel Outdoors - 9 a.m.

Consolidated Forest Products - 9 a.m.

NWSCC Phil Campbell Campus only - 10 a.m.

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