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City Council Work Session By Harold Bearden Tuesday, January 27, 2015 | 6:01 PM

The Haleyville City Council had a work session Tuesday afternoon at the temporary location of city hall in the Neighborhood Facilities Building. The main purpose of the work session was to consider a change order for an emergency electrical generator for the new fire station presently under construction. Because it was a work session, nothing was voted on, however it was generally decided to purchase a new 65kw generator for the new station and utilize the old 45kw generator at fire station number 2 at the airport. One other item was discussed with the city attorney an executive session.

Following the meeting, Mayor Sunseri showed the councilmen where the city hall personnel will be located  in the Facilities Building for the next several months as the old city hall will be vacated awaiting the construction of the new city hall on top of the safe room behind McDonalds. The Haleyville Police Department, including the dispatcher, will also relocate temporary to the facility. The Park and Rec personnel have already relocated to the 21st gym, located on 14th Avenue. 

The next scheduled council meeting will be Monday, February 2, at 5:30 at the Neighborhood Facilities Building. 

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