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Haleyville City Council By Sam Poe Wednesday, September 3, 2014 | 12:09 PM

The Haleyville City Council met for the regularly scheduled council meeting Tuesday evening. Councilman Drew Thrasher was absent, and the following items were approved.

  • council minutes from 08/18/2014
  • alcohol license for Shotguns Bar and Grill on Highway 13 South (old Capt. Dave's location)
  • renewal of lease for trackhoe for use at the new Haleyville Sportsplex
  • unneeded personal property in the Senior Center Car (1999 Ford Taurus)
  • Appalachian Regional Commission Highway 195 grant application
  • purchase of property for the new Haleyville Fire Station
  • declaration of unneeded property in Forest Park Subdivision
  • sign ordinance
  • purchase of roll up door for the old armory

In a public hearing prior to the council meeting, two Haleyville citizens voiced opinions on granting an alcohol license to Shotgun's Bar and Grill. Due to problems with the previous business in this location, the residents had concerns about granting another alcohol license to the new business. Ms. Valeria Taylor stated she is opposed to the sale of alcohol, due not only to problems with the previous business, but also because of the location. She stated the distance from the center of town would make it more difficult for law enforcement agencies to patrol the area and to ensure all laws are being followed.  City council members reminded Ms. Taylor that businesses have been located there previously, and although there were problems with the last business, Shotguns has no affiliation to that business and those issues cannot be held against the new owner. Council members also reminded Ms. Taylor that the previous owner complained of "too much police presence" and received multiple citations from various law enforcement agencies so patrolling the area should not be a problem.  Mrs. Betty Posey stated she is a business owner in Haleyville as well, and she does not oppose the sale of alcohol as long as they follow the state laws and ordinances in place.

Cole Christopher, attorney for Shotguns, stated the new business owner, Shanna Madden, has no affiliation with the old business owner or that previous business. Shotguns will be a brand new business that will be located in the old building. Christopher assured the council Ms. Madden is up to date on all state laws and the Haleyville ordinance regarding the sale of alcohol, and she fully intends to abide by all laws in place. He stated she has a family of her own and is only looking to make a living. Christopher also stated Madden has invested large amounts of money into the building to bring it up to code and to update the structure and intends to make this business good for the community.  The license was approved unanimously during the council meeting.

The council also voted to apply for a grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to complete repairs to fire plugs on State Highway 195. During the recent ISO review, problems with these particular plugs were noted due to limitations on the water supply to the plugs. The cost of repair will be $161,567, with a $40,389 match for the city that will be paid by the Haleyville Water and Sewer Board, if the grant is approved.

The Haleyville City Council approved the purchase of property for the new Haleyville Fire Station. The property is located just adjacent to the current CVS Pharmacy shopping center. The property is currently owned by Gordon McBride, and the down payment on the property was approved for $15,000. The final balance is contingent on the sale.

The council approved a piece of property as surplus and unneeded. The property is located in Forest Park Subdivision and is the first lot on the left as you enter the subdivision. The property was acquired by the Haleyville Police Department and Winston County District Attorney's Office during a crime. The house on the property was destroyed due to components of methamphetamine contaminating the walls and other fixtures of the home. This property will be sold to the highest bidder, and profits will be split equally between the Haleyville Police Department and Winston County District Attorney's Office. All money invested into the property by the City of Haleyville will be reimbursed before money is split between the agencies.

Next, the council approved the sign ordinance for the City of Haleyville. The full ordinance will be published for review soon.

The final item on the agenda was the approval of a roll up door for the old armory. The door will be industrial grade and will cost approximately $15,000 for preparation and installation of the door. This will allow the Haleyville Street and Sanitation Department to store dry materials, such as sand, inside the armory with access for the city's dump truck. The department is currently having issues with keeping the materials from being exposed to the weather, as it is stored outside in the elements.  

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