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Teen Drowns at Bates Landing By Sam Poe Sunday, June 15, 2014 | 7:06 PM

Photo Courtesy of Linzer's Facebook Page

According to family members, Isaac Edward Linzer, 18 of Double Springs, drowned during a Father's Day outing with his father and two brothers Sunday afternoon around 3 p.m. Linzer and his family were at Bates Landing near Phil Campbell swimming. Reports indicate Linzer jumped from a rock about fifteen feet above the water and into water approximately forty feet deep. Witnesses stated Linzer surfaced briefly before going back underwater and never surfacing again, and onlookers called 9-1-1 for help. 

The Franklin County Sheriff's Department, Phil Campbell Police Department, Phil Campbell Rescue Squad, the Franklin County Dive Team, the Bear Creek Development Authority, and the Alabama Game and Fish officials responded to the scene.

Funeral arrangements can be found at www.hbtv.us/funerals. 

See the original story from the Franklin County Times. [CLICK HERE]

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