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Haleyville City Council By Sam Poe Tuesday, April 22, 2014 | 7:04 AM

Debra Hood, Richard Bitninger, Drew Thrasher and Mayor Sunseri visit a potential site for new Fire Department


The Haleyville City Council met for the regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening, and Councilman Drew Thrasher was absent. The council approved the following items.

-public hearing and council minutes from April 7, 2014

-work session minutes from April 15, 2014

-March general operational bills in the amount of $466,062.15

-tax abatement for Door Components for new equipment and maintenance of newly acquired property

-agreement with Winston County for debris removal during natural disasters (The agreement has to be in place prior to the storm in order to receive FEMA reimbursement.)

-maintenance agreement for generators at the storm shelters and Haleyville Fire Department ($1,000 per year for shelters and $1,200 per year for the fire department)

-rescheduling of May 5 regular meeting to May 8 at 5:30 p.m.

The council then moved into executive session to discuss options for the new Haleyville Fire Station. No business was conducted at the closing of the executive session. 

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