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NACOLG Grant Funds Road Construction By Sam Poe Thursday, April 17, 2014 | 12:04 PM

Shown in the photo above (left to right) Bryan Cheatwood-Winston County Engineer, James Glasgow- Winston County Assistant Engineer, Joe Vail-Project Contractor, Roger Hayes-Winston County Commission Chairperson, Chris Tittle- Winston County Road Superintendent, and David Cummings-Winston County Commissioner.


Road construction will begin soon on three Winston County roads that are in desperate need of work. Pounders and Sims Road, Beech Grove Road, and County Road 3210 will all undergo construction due to $858,557.55 in ADECA money through a NACOLG grant because of damage to roads from the April 27, 2011, tornadoes. This is a 100% grant, and no matching funds are required from the county. 


Winston County Commissioner David Cummings stated although the storms were devastating to the area, this grant is making the best of a bad situation. He said, "What I stress most is you have to stay on top of it to find available funds to bring back to Winston County. Without these grants, we do not have the manpower or equipment to perform these jobs." 


Construction is set to begin possibly as soon as mid-June, but no later than the first of July. 

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