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City Council Work Session By Sam Poe Friday, February 14, 2014 | 12:02 AM

The Haleyville City Council met for a work session Thursday afternoon, and all councilmen were present. This meeting was a work session only, and no votes were cast or decisions made.  It was simply to discuss details about items that will appear on agendas of upcoming meetings. 


The council discussed the placement for the Haleyville Fire Department if the sale of Haleyville City Hall is completed.  There are still a few options on the table, but the most feasible option at this point would be to build it at the current Diddly Dots location on Highway 13 North.  This location would allow for one side of the station to serve as an entrance for the trucks, and the other as an exit, which would prevent the firemen from having to back the trucks into the station when returning from a call. Again, there are no final plans in place, but the council would like to have a better idea of locations and plans so they are better prepared if the CVS deal finalizes. 


Next, the council discussed options for seasonal employees. Because of new regulations regarding health insurance under Obamacare, seasonal employees, such as lifeguards and temporary Street and Sanitation Department employees, may be limited in the number of hours and weeks they can work. More clarification will be requested and brought back to the council before decisions are made on this matter. 


Then, the council discussed options for the new Haleyville Sportsplex. Another company has shown interest in providing a bid for the complex, and the council talked about potential layout options for the complex, including youth and full baseball and softball fields, tennis courts, and youth football fields.  More details will be available on this project soon. 


Finally, the council entered executive session to discuss the good name and character of individuals.  No official votes or business was conducted during this time, and the meeting concluded upon completion of the session. The Haleyville City Council will meet Tuesday, February 18, 2014, at Haleyville CIty Hall.

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