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Rash of Break-Ins and Thefts By Harold Bearden Thursday, January 16, 2014 | 5:01 PM

The Haleyville Police Department is investigating a series of home and vehicular break-ins which reportedly occurred between 9 a.m. Monday, January 13 and 6 a.m. Tuesday January 14. According to police reports, a house in the 4000 block of Marion County Highway 106 was broken into by a back door and several items were taken including a hand gun, a shot gun and a television, all valued at $2100. Another home in the 300 block of Winston County Road 477 was burglarized where a laptop computer, jewelry, an Nintendo Wii and $50 in cash was stolen, totaling approximately $2600. In addition, there was approximately $1,000 in damage done to the door where the entry was made by the thief. 

Meanwhile, 7 different vehicles at 5 different locations were reportedly burglarized with 4 guns stolen from 3 of the vehicles. Other items reported stolen included change, high school books, sunglasses and a set of headphones. During the same 24 hour time period, a 4-wheeler and the trailer it was on, was stolen from the parking lot of the Imperial Inn in Haleyville. 

The Haleyville police is presently investigating these cases. If you have any information which may be of help, please contact the HPD at 486-5201. All information will be kept confidential. Police Chief Kyle Reogas reminds local citizens to never assume your car or home is safe and always lock your house and vehicle when you are not present. 

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