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BOE Regular Meeting By HBTV Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | 7:02 PM

The Haleyville Board of Education met Tuesday night and took the following action:

  • Approved December, 2009, expenditures in the amount of $1,333,421.74.
  • Approved Non-Faculty Coaching Guildelines Policy and sent same to personnel components for input.
  • Approved Board Member Training Policy on recommendation from the Policy Committee.
  • Approved field trip for My Call/Haleyville Transition Team to take educational trip to Dauphin Island.
  • Approved field trip for HHS Band to attend All-State Band Competition at Auburn.
  • Approved field trip for DECA Students and Neina Middleton to attend DECA's International Career Development Conference 2010 in Louisville, Ky.
  • Approved subsitute teacher list.
  • Approved 6 fundraisers.

The next scheduled meeting of the board is Tuesday, March 23, 7 p.m., in the HHS board room.

Stay tuned as HBTV's Glenn Collins will begin a 4-part special report in March: "Technology in the Classroom and at Home."

Posted in Education