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Airport Work By HBTV Wednesday, October 31, 2012 | 11:10 AM

The Haleyville Airport has three projects underway, or soon to be underway, to make improvements.

The runway and tarmac are being “rejuvenated” with a chemical sealing process. After completion, remarking will occur and the entire project should be completed by December 6. Cost is $133,425.18.

Another project is the removal of obstructions and should be completed by January 13. Cost is $84,443.00.

The final project is the rehabilitation and reskinning of the hangar. That project is sheduled to begin November 5, and scheduled to be completed by February 3. Cost is $198,849.00.

Total cost for all three projects is $416.717.18. The Federal Aviation Administration is picking up 90%, $375,045.46. ALDOT and the City are each paying $20,835.86.

Posted in Business