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City Council By Glenn Collins Wednesday, September 5, 2012 | 11:09 AM

The City Council on Tuesday canvassed the Municipal and Board of Education elections and certified the results. Seven provisional ballots were added to the count but did not affect the outcome. There will be a runoff election Tuesday, October 9, between Steve Stott and Gary Warren for Place 3 on the Haleyville Board of Education. The runoff will cost the City $7,675 plus the expense for ballots. That amount is just under the general election costs, which had two ballots. The certified results are posted at [hbtv.us/election].

In other action, the Council approved renewing the loan for the water slide at City Pool. The original loan was $100,000 and will be renewed for $50,000. The balance before renewal will be paid down by $21,753.07. $19,653.07 of that amount came from this summer's admission fees.

A $424,545 airport grant for paving repair, striping, and hangar and roof repairs was also approved. The City's match is $22,898. ALDOT is also matching with $22,898.

The Council meets again Monday, September 17, 11 AM, at City Hall.

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