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Commission Meets By Glenn Collins Tuesday, August 14, 2012 | 6:08 AM

The Winston County Commission held its regular meeting Monday.

The Commission approved for Chairman Roger Hayes, Commissioners Bobby Everett and David Cummings, Administrator Joanie Wright and Assistant Administrator Judy Burnett to attend the Association of County Commission of Alabama annual convention in August at the Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach.

J. D. Snoddy was appointed to a two-year term as the Commission’s representative on the Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association’s board of director. The new term expires September, 2014.

The Commission approved two invitations for bids:

Road building materials, fuel and lubricants for in-place bids that have not been extended.
Traffic stripe and markings for the Kinro deceleration lane project.

Both bids are due Thursday, September 6, 2012, Noon.

The Commission accepted the resignation of Heath Tidwell effective Thursday, August 16. Tidwell is shop foreman at the Road Department. The Commission will now accept applications for the position through August 22.

Finally, the Commission accepted for county maintenance a right-of-way 1850 feet by 30 feet located in Section 29, T9S, R6W, allowing access from CR41 to the “Galloway Parcel.”

The next Commission meeting is Monday, August 27, 9 AM, at the Winston County Courthouse.

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