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Chamber Political Forum By HBTV Monday, August 6, 2012 | 5:08 PM
Candidates in the City election
Candidates in the Haleyville Municipal election are (l. to r.) for Mayor, Ken Sunseri and Valeria Taylor; for Council Place 3, Bud Wilson and Wallace George at the Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce's political forum Friday.


 Candidates in the Haleyville Board of Education
 Candidates in the Haleyville Board of Education eleciton are (l. to r.) for Place 3, Gary Warren and Steve Stott; for Place 2, Barry Burleson and Boo Haughton at the Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce's political forum Friday.

Candidates for election in Haleyville's Municipal and Board of Education races spoke at the Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce's political forum Friday. Below are links to the audio files, in mp3 format, of the entire forum, broken down by race:

Mayoral Race

Councilmatic Race

Board of Education Race*

*Note: Don Dimond is the moderator and the first candidate in the Board audio is Barry Burleson.

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