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Qualifying Starts Tuesday By HBTV Monday, July 2, 2012 | 4:07 PM

Municipal and school board elections are in August and qualifying begins in July.

Qualifying begins Tuesday, July 3, and ends Monday, July 17. To qualify, a person must have been a resident of the jurisdiction/district for more than 30 days and must be registered to vote. The person wishing to run for an office must pay a $50 qualifying fee and complete the qualifying form at the city clerk's office.

For the municipal election, the office of mayor and all five places on the city council are up for election. For the school board, places 2 and 3 are up for election.

Election day is Tuesday, August 28. If needed, a run-off election will be conducted Tuesday, October 9. Municipal officeholders take office on Monday, November 9; school board members at the board's March meeting.

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