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Cowens Still Missing By Glenn Collins Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | 2:37 PM
Law enforcement is still trying to locate Rickey Lee Cowens Jr., 35 years old. He went missing Monday night while working at The Cave. He could be in a 1999 Mercury Cougar with Alabama tag 49B78P1.

The search continues for Ricky Lee Cowens, missing from The Cave since Monday night. Investigators, agents, and officers from the 25th JDC DA office,  ABI, and HPD are leading the investigation into what happened at The Cave Monday night, and what subsequently may have happened to Cowens.

Law enforcement spent the day tracing multiple leads, but will not speculate publicly on the investigation.

"We are not going to speculate as to what may or may not have happened. We are looking at all the possible scenarios. Right now, our primary concern is finding Cowens, and finding him safe," Haleyville Police Chief Kyle Reogas said.

Kyle Hulsey, The Cave's owner said, "I'm worried for Rick; I hope he is alright somewhere." Hulsey does not believe that Cowens would just up and walk away. Hulsey returned from vacation Tuesday afternoon to meet with investigators.
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