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Council Meets With Board of Education By Glenn Collins Thursday, May 24, 2012 | 12:55 PM

The Haleyville City Council met Wednesday morning for its regular meeting, but what caused the most interest was its closed executive session. In executive session, the Council met for approximately 20 minutes with Steve Stott, Boo Haughton, Sandra Manasco and Beth McAlpine. Those are four of the five members of the Haleyville Board of Education, the same board that is scheduled Thursday evening to select the school system's next superintendent.

Repairs and drainage improvements to 26th Street from 9th to 11th avenues, necessitated by a sinkhole in front of The Cave, moved one step closer to fruition. The council approved hiring Garver Engineering for the project in the amount of $16,998.33. The City has already been approved for ALDOT grants for the project.

Another project, the demolition, landscaping, drainage and paving of the old elementary school first grade class rooms, band room and lunch room and its property, inched forward as well. The Council accepted the bid of R. Baker Inc. The project us two separate contracts, one for demolition and landscaping and the second for drainage and paving. R. Baker Inc.'s bid was $82,942.75 on the former, and $122,275.85 on the latter. This is a CDBG-funded project and should proceed after proper notices are made to and meetings are held with the granting authority.

With Council approval, the City will apply for a grant to make improvements to the airport. The $457,367.78 project includes runway improvements, additional clearing, and an engineering fee of $55,000 for The Cassady Company. The Council approved that $22,868.78, local matching funds for the grant, be placed in the airport's budget.

Donations were also on the agenda, and the Council granted $1,000 to the American Red Cross and $500 to SafePlace, Inc.

The Council approved $2,600 to purchase leftover brick and mortar from the City Safe Room project to use for the concession stand at the girl's softball field.

The Council approved April bills of $519,254.90. Of that amount, $120,000 was for the new fire truck, which was covered by a grant and fire dues.

All members were present. The next meeting of the Council is Monday, June 4, 11 AM, at City Hall.

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