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Locks of Love By HBTV Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 10:03 AM

“It's good to do something for yourself, especially if you can help someone else in the process.” says 23-year-old, Brittney Vandiver. This is the second time that Vandiver, programming scheduler at WWWH - AM/FM , has donated much of her hair to the Locks of Love organization. She first donated her hair (an 11 ½ inch ponytail) shortly after the birth of her first child in 2009. This time, with her second child due in July, she donated an 18 inch ponytail to the organization.

Locks of Love is an organization based out of West Palm Beach, Florida that creates hairpieces for children ages 6-21 whom are suffering from long-term hair loss. The recipients range from children (mainly girls) whom have lost their hair due to radiation and chemotherapy treatments to children with Alopecia Areata a disease that causes hair to fall out in large patches, and sometimes completely. Each hairpiece uses between six and ten ponytails in its construction.

Because most little girls dream of having long hair, Locks of Love requires that each donation be at least 10 inches long to ensure that each child will get at least a chin-length hairstyle. For more information: www.locksoflove.org

Posted in Life & Times