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World Record Try Passes Through By HBTV Thursday, March 22, 2012 | 12:00 AM

Martin Walker, from London, England, is seen here taking a break from his around the world bicycle race benefiting cancer research. His adventure brought him through Haleyville last Tuesday around 11:30 PM. On his Facebook pages, he said, "I will set off from London and cycle 18,000 miles in an attempt to beat the Guinness World Record for the fastest circumnavigation of the earth by bicycle and try and raise £18,000 for Cancer Research UK. I'm not an adventurer or an Athlete but just a dad trying to inspire a daughter and to raise some funding for some people way smarter than me to use in the fight against cancer."

You can find out more about Walker and the around the world race on his facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/CycleAroundin80days?sk=info 

You can track his progress and make a donation thru this link http://trackleaders.com/worldcycleracei.php?name=Martin_Walker

Posted in Life & Times