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Rough Session Ahead By Glenn Collins Tuesday, February 7, 2012 | 10:02 PM

Senator Roger Bedford and Representative Mike Millican spoke to Friday's Chamber meeting. The Legislature began its regular session Tuesday and Gov. Robert Bentley delivered his state of the state speech Tuesday night.

The major hurdle for the legislature is passing budgets for education and the general fund. Bedford sees rough roads ahead, “The general fund is a disaster.” The legislature may need to cut the general fund by 25% if new revenues cannot be found. Bedford said that cuts like that could mean the loss of 400+ jobs in the court system alone.

Both legislators know that some tough decisions will have to be made in this regular session, which could last well into May. They also said that legislators need to pay more attention to the needs of their district than to the leadership in both houses.

Other matters that may come before the legislature: Millican and Bedford have co-sponsored a bill that would put sudafed behind the prescription counter.

Also, the legislature may have to take a hard look at the illegal immigrant bill. Bedford wants to repeal it and start over. Millican believes that it should be revised.

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